Click on a topic below to learn more.
Missed Trash Pickup
If you are a resident that has experienced a missed garbage or recycling pickup, please contact Rumpke of Kentucky at 859-472-7339, option 2. You can also contact the City Administration Department at 859-331-1700.
How do I report a problem with a traffic signal?
Please contact the City Administration Department at 859-331-1700 to provide the location and issue with the traffic signal. City Officials will determine the responsible party and report the issue accordingly.
How do I report a problem with a street light?
Duke Energy offers a Street & Area Light Repair website to directly report outages or other issues with street lights. Click here to visit the website then locate the problem street light on the map.
You can also contact the City Administration Building at 859-331-1700, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, to report outages or issues.
How do I view property tax information?
How do I apply for the Homestead/Disability Property Tax Exemption?
Homestead Exemption and Disability Exemption is determined every two years by the State Legislature based upon the cost of living index. The current (2023 and 2024) exemption (assessment reduction) is $46,350.
For additional information, please visit Kenton County PVA at or call 859-392-1750.
How do I get on the PVA’s email list?
The Kenton County Property Valuation Administrator (PVA) has established an email notification system. If you are interested in receiving an email to know when the PVA team is in your area for property inspections, please visit and click on "About PVA".
How do I obtain an occupational license?
Contact the Kenton County Business Services office at 859-392-1440 or click here.
The Kenton County Business Services office is located at:
1840 Simon Kenton Way, Suite 5100
Covington, KY 41011
How do I get directions to City facilities?
The City Administration Building, Police Department, Fire Department, and Public Works Department are all headquartered at 409 Kyles Lane, Fort Wright, KY 41011.
To view our location on Google Maps, please click here.
If you need assistance with directions, please contact the City Administration Department at 859-331-1700, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
How do I obtain and review public documents and records?
How do I complain about garbage/recycling pick up?
The City of Fort Wright utilizes Rumpke of Kentucky for waste management for residents. The City pays a monthly bill on behalf of residents, who pay one payment on their Property Tax Statement each year.
If you are a resident that has experienced a missed garbage or recycling pickup or has another issue with the Rumpke service, please contact Rumpke of Kentucky at 859-472-7339, option 2. You can also contact the City Administration Department at 859-331-1700.
How do I obtain a yard/garage sale permit?
Yard/Garage sale permits are required but free-of-charge for residents. They can be obtained at the City Administration Building, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. You can download a copy of the permit below.
The City of Fort Wright organizes two "City Wide Yard Sale" weekends each year. Those sales are held at individual residences but coordinated by the City for promotion in print media, on the City website, and City-run social media accounts. The City Wide Yard Sale permit is different than the permit below and will become available as we approach the weekends on which the sales are held.
Download a garage sale permit
How do I find out where I vote?
To find out your voter registration status and the location of your polling place, please visit the Kentucky State Board of Elections Voter Information Center here.
How do I run for office?
To run for any office in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, including local offices, please visit the Kentucky Secretary of State's Becoming a Candidate page by clicking here.
How do I set up garbage/recycling service?
The City of Fort Wright utilizes Rumpke of Kentucky for waste management for residents. The City pays a monthly bill on behalf of residents, who pay one payment on their Property Tax Statement each year. New residents should not need to set up any service for trash or recycling.
Residents can rent rolling garbage and recycling bins directly from Rumpke of Kentucky. There is a small monthly fee to rent the rolling garbage bin, but the rolling recycling bins are free-of-charge. To set up this service, please contact Rumpke directly at 859-472-7339, option 2.
How do I view the garbage/recycling service schedule?
How do I dispose of large items?
Please contact Rumpke of Kentucky directly to review what items are eligible for disposal and set up a pick up time. They can be reached at 859-472-7339, option 2, or by visiting
How do I dispose of paint?
Paint should be dried out and disposed of with your regular trash. Take the lid off to dry it out, add kitty litter to speed up the process, keep the lid off when you place out for the trash so the hauler knows it is dry.
How do I dispose of household hazardous waste?
How do I find out when my street is scheduled for repairs?
The City of Fort Wright has a rolling Five-Year Street Program, updated every two-and-a-half years by City engineers and officials, to maintain the City's roadways. Click here to view the most recent plan and associated documents.
If you have additional questions about the plan, please contact the City Administration Building at 859-331-1700, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
How do I report a pothole?
If you encounter a pothole or other road issue while in the City of Fort Wright, please contact the City Administration Building at 859-331-1700. Administration and Public Works officials will work to determine the responsible party.
How do I obtain a building permit?
To obtain a building permit, please contact Planning & Development Services of Kenton County [PDS] at 859-331-8980. You can visit their website and view a full list of permits and information by clicking here.
How do I obtain a copy of an Accident Report?
Visit to purchase a copy of an accident report. You can also purchase a copy in-person at the City Administration Building, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.
Please note: There is a $10 fee for all accident reports.
How do I obtain a criminal offense report?
To obtain a copy of a criminal offense report, please visit the City Administration building, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You can also contact 859-331-1700.
How do I pay a parking citation?
Fines may be paid in person at the City Administration Building, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Fine can also be paid by mailing check or money order (no cash), along with a copy of the citation, to:
409 Kyles Lane
Fort Wright, KY 41011
How do I get a pre-employment background check?
The Fort Wright Police Department does not provide background checks or offer fingerprinting services.
Click here to visit the Kentucky State Police website for more information.
How do I pay or contest a Commonwealth of Kentucky traffic citation?
Review the information sheet the officer provided at the time of the stop. You can also contact the Kenton County Justice Center for additional information by calling 859-292-6484.
The Kenton County Justice Center is located at:
230 Madison Avenue
Covington, KY 41011
How do I rent the South Hills Civic Club?
For information on renting the South Hills Civic Club, please click here.
Missed Pickup?
If you are a resident that has experienced a missed garbage or recycling pickup or has another issue with the Rumpke service, please contact Rumpke of Kentucky at 859-472-7339, option 2. You can also contact the City Administration Department at 859-331-1700.
How do I register to vote?
For more information on registering to vote or updating your current registration, visit the Kentucky Online Voter Registration portal by clicking here.
How do I apply for a passport?